HP swings for the fences with its 2133 Mini-Note PC When ASUS launched its Eee PC 401 4G last year, not many people knew where the tiny $399 device would take the industry. Within months, ASUS flanked its original 4G model with the $299 2G model and the $499 8G model. As sales skyrocketed, ASUS dropped another bombshell on potential customers with the announcement of its second generation Eee PC 900 with a larger, 8.9" display which calmed the fears of some of those upset over the original unit’s 7" display. ASUS' efforts to carve out a niche in the low-cost PC market along with a number of competitors arriving fashionably late to the party even enticed Microsoft to extend the availability of Windows XP Home by another two years. Read the full article at http://www.dailytech.com/